2026 Accounting Horizons Conference

The 2026 Accounting Horizons Conference: A Dialogue between Academics and Non-Academics (tentative name) will be hosted at George Mason University’s Mason Square (Arlington Campus) on Thursday and Friday, May 21–22, 2026. This conference will inspire dialogue between accounting academics and non-academics—including practitioners, standard setters, and regulators—on the most pressing issues faced by the accounting profession.



  • The Conference will encourage the development of rigorous academic research which is relevant to accounting practice and standard setting. 

  • Its agenda will feature research presentations, panel discussions, and a keynote speech. 

  • The audience will comprise academics, practitioners, standard setters, regulators, and a few accounting students. 





Selected research papers, solicited through a Call for Papers.

TRAVEL LOGISTICS: More details will follow.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Long Chen, PhD, Area Chair and Associate Professor of Accounting with the Costello College of Business at lchenk@gmu.edu