- May 20, 2024
When hearing the term “sustainability” in business circles, there’s often a misconception that it hinders growth. For the last three years, the MBA elective course Environmentally Sustainable Operations has offered interested graduate students from across George Mason University the opportunity to work with companies from multiple industries on making the business case for sustainability.
- February 24, 2023
Join the School of Business and Office of Sustainability for a special panel discussion on how organizations are changing to achieve critical sustainability objectives on Friday, March 3 from 10:30-11:30am in the Johnson Center, Meeting Room D.
- April 21, 2022
Sponsored by the Institute for a Sustainable Earth (ISE) and the Business for a Better World Center, the 17 Rooms-U produced dozens of ideas, some of which were combined during follow-up conversations. Groups championing those ideas are now receiving up to $5,000 in seed money to implement their sustainability plans.
- April 13, 2022
Graduate students in the MBA elective class help companies examine their impact on the environment and offer solutions to reduce their environmental footprint.